Yes, I'm well aware that i've been neglecting my blog for some time, can't blame me for that since I've been pretty busy these few days. Well, u must be wondering what have been going on on my side, right. Let's begin shall we....
27th march
Had school, lunch after that, then left for accounts tuition. Tuition had been pretty dull and boring ever since esther and elena quit this tuition, i find no point in quiting it since i personally think it really helps me, not forgetting it's tuition fee is quite reasonable. Well, after all that, right after having dinner with my family, around 8.30 or so, mum brought out the cake she bought for me to celebrate my birthday in advance. The carrot cake on the other hand was given by my aunty (: it's really really yummy, i trully recommend this cake, hehe..
28th march
Woke up at 4AM this morning, had early breakfast then left for "fu guai shan zhong" at 5 to have an early 'cheng meng' thingy. The journey was rather short today than what i've expected, maybe it's because we left early compared to the past few years. Headed for another place after that to pray my uncle, i would never wanna experience this journey ever again, it was freaking jam eventhough we were early. I had a short nap in the car (: i brought my moo moo pillow, haha~~
Skipped tuition today as i have plans afterwards. Left for pyramid later that evening, and the story goes...i'm too lazy to get to detail, so picture time (:


Parents and siblings were at home while i was having fun outside, was also earth hour night. I'm pretty sure my family participated in it eventhough we're not those really saving the earth ppl. It must be really fun doing such thing as this dont happen all the time, right (:
29th march
Happy Birthday Dearest Li Zhen
Happy Birthday Si Ching
Lastly, 5 delta's participating in the drama competition. I can see we're putting in much effort planning for our rehearsal and stuff, so in all hopes we pass the preliminary round, and get to present our lil dram act on the real day, which is on monday/tuesday.
*would post more pictures when i'm free and all*
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