Had been awhile since i last updated. Well, mainly nth much happened during this past few days.
As u all know, the whole school have been pretty busy for this 2 weeks as we have road relay, cross country and pre sports. Pre sports officially ended yesterday. Green boys r in the final for tug a war (: the girls on the other hand got 3rd. Anyway, sports day's tomorrow. Everyone must be anticipating for this day to come since everyone was so busy and involved in sports.
I finally got my dress and heels for charity dinner (: shopping these past few days were really productive, i got most of the stuff i wanted, hehe. Besides charity dinner stuff, i also got myself 2 more pair of shoes, a few tops and my mac eyeliner.
Well, i think that's all for today, gotta get back to my moral assignment. Will update some other time after sports day.

Watched the uninvited on Thursday (:
The show was rather confusing, but overall it was ok.
Anyway, don't u think she look familiar ?? She does, doesn't she
Well, that's because she was the one who cast in the show 'a series of unfortunate events'
Man..both arielle kebbel and emily browning look stunning in the show
Anyway, don't u think she look familiar ?? She does, doesn't she
Well, that's because she was the one who cast in the show 'a series of unfortunate events'
Man..both arielle kebbel and emily browning look stunning in the show
I can't wait for transformers 2 and harry potter to be released >.<
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