my oh-so-hardworking lil brother, i posted this out of plain boredom
Lazy to blog further so ciaoz..
my oh-so-hardworking lil brother, i posted this out of plain boredom
Lazy to blog further so ciaoz..
no comment =X see for urself
from left to right : Leon jay williams, xiao ling, jimmy lin and yoo ha na
I dun have any photos of my mum in the comp, so yeah..no photo of her. It's a sad case that mabel's currently not in town, she went back to aussie on the 19th, which also means we wont be able to celebrate her birthday with her here. However, in all hope she's having an oh so fabulous and great birthday in Australia. Happy birthday Mabel :) this would be a short post as i have nothing to blog about. Oh and one thing before i leave, hehe..chinese new year is in 2 days man, i can't wait >.<
Baby you're a star
You should let me love you
Let me be the one to give you everything you want and need
Baby good love and protection
Make me your selection
Show you the way love's supposed to be
Baby you should let me love you, love you, love you
Twilight is whr it all begun, i love twilight~
Just because i'm upstairs using the computer, my grandma concluded that i NEVER drink water. Its so annoying..simply say stuff, she doesnt even know wat im doing up here..plus she's screaming and scolding me from down thr man. She could have use a nicer tone lecturing me, i dun mind :)
( p.s she's nice afterall, she's cooking plain porridge for me)
** pp.s erhem is a healthy thing..and i say erhem everyday :0
the blood pool
i really dun mind going for this school exchange programme again if i had the chance, it's a really good experience, the 1st day at the host house was awkward though
*SORE THROAT, FLU AND COUGH SUCKS........especially if u get it all in one go*
* i wanna enjoy chinese new year by eating all the yummy food, regardless fried or fattening
Goodnight :)
Last but not least, yours truly..(p.s it a very random pic. i took cause i was being really random)