Sunday, February 8, 2009


I'll just post this up for the day, no mood for anything else.

i'll blog bout tiff's open house/cny party some other day, tata~

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Sucelia!

  1. Sucelia was banned from Finland because of not wearing pants!
  2. Sucelia can smell some things up to six miles away!
  3. The water in oceans is four times less salty than the water in sucelia.
  4. Baskin Robbins once made sucelia flavoured ice cream!
  5. The number one cause of blindness in the United States is sucelia.
  6. If you blow out all the candles on sucelia with one breath, your wish will come true.
  7. Japan provides over thirty percent of the world's sucelia supply.
  8. In Ancient Egypt, people wore glittery eyeshadow made from the crushed shells of sucelia.
  9. People used to believe that dressing their male children as sucelia would protect them from evil spirits!
  10. Owls cannot move their eyes, because their eyeballs are shaped like sucelia.
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