Pictures at tiff's place as promised (:
I simply just adore the camera AND these pictures, it magically makes my hair look brown, lol.
It does look brown and nice, doesn't it? (:
Audrey and i
Eileen and i
Audrey, eileen
Adriz, Rohit, Audrey
We're the black ppl :)
Zhi lynn and i, zhi lynn look so so cute
Rohit and i Take 1
Take 2
The host and audrey
Tiff and i
Us three
Joon Hoe

Kat, adriz and i
Esther, audrey and i take 1
Take 2
Yes, us again xD
Kat and audrey, sexy siaa~
Kat and i
lol..ur hair does look brown in some pictures